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Friday, December 17, 2010

What "10 Things" would you change if you were the President to better this country?

If I was the President I will change the following:

1:) Stop the war and bring the troops back home.

2:) Start helping people in need and less fortunate (homeless, orphan children, single mothers, sick children, broken families etc).

3:) Stop the killing of abortion by changing the law (love and not killing)!

4:) Start educating teenagers of the value and meaning of a Loving Family.

5:) Stop pornography and the Sexual Exploitation of minors, children, and women.!

6:) Start a full "Code Red" war against drug trafficking, drug lords,  and cartels here in the U.S.A (Triple enforce our borders).

7:) Stop WASTING! our tax payer moneys on unnecessary things NOT needed such as weapons, wars, nuclear bombs, etc.!

8:) Start and restore A NEW FRIENDSHIP with our neighbor countries and work together to better this world as a (TEAM).

9:) Stop using politics to lie to the American People. Take ALL the crooks and liars OUT OF OFFICE!

10:) Start living as GOD intended US to live, as a Unified Nation in (Peace, Love & Harmony).


Love NOT War.

Give NOT take away.

Life NOT death.

Educate NOT manipulate.

Values NOT sex slaves.

Go Green NOT blood red.

Feed people NOT endless wars.

Friends NOT enemies.

Caring Presidents NOT politicians.

In GOD we trust NOT we want to play GOD!




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